Sunday, May 3, 2009

It is a L A T E update.

For my second and extremely late update on the progress of my website I have one main point to hit. The biggest obstacle I was running into at this stage of the game was how to design my portfolio page. I found that most personal portfolio sites have a link to an index of images which is how I started designing mine as well.

Originally I had planned to create an index in the same style as my main pages, using the twelve images in my portfolio only smaller and with a gold frame around each thumbnail. From there, you could click on a thumbnail which would make it bigger and bring you to individual pages which look like this:

But because I wanted you to be able to click "back" and "next" to navigate through the images, it didn't make sense to have an entire page of thumbnails. Sometimes when I am looking at someone's work I don't grasp the entire content because I instead choose which images I want to look at via their index page. I feel that when putting together a body of work it is important in determining the order and flow of images, it's not random images thrown together. As this process evolved I concluded that by allowing the user to have to click through each page they would be forced to see the entire portfolio. In conclusion, my final navigation page is as follows:

By clicking portfolio from any navigation bar or from the main page it will take you here. From here you can then click "enter portfolio" which will take you through each image with the option of going to the next image or back to the main page. I think this setup will be much more appropriate for my work.

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