Monday, May 4, 2009

C'est La Fin!

The journey has come to an end.
My website is complete, finished and ready for viewing (best at 1680 X 1050)!

Jaime Barnett Photography

After many hours of designing, creating, tweaking, redoing, slicing, coding and at times nearly crying I have to say every last bit of work put into it was worth it. Although I still feel that there are some small things that could be changed (size, minor details, etc) it was a great learning process. Creating this website really was the final culmination of everything we learned in this class through out the semester, it forced me to design...and use the design elements we discussed many times over. It demanded polishing my Photoshop skills and allowed me to practice those design skills through typography, photography and the use of color. The most difficult part of this process occurred when it finally came time to open up Dreamweaver and actually build the website. I realized I had no idea what to do beyond the few notes I had written down from class. After hours of reading tutorials I finally found a youtube video that was precisely what we were doing and essentially saved my life...and website. This guided me through coding and uploading my site step by step and by the third page in I was able to actually understand what I was doing. By choosing this project I feel satsified in knowing I truly have learned something and even plan on doing another website more elaborately in the future. Although I didn't change exactly everything that we discussed during our critique I appreciated the feedback and think it's vital to any course of design action. It helped me understand how people were perceiving what I was projecting and basically guided me in the right direction. I hope everyone else has enjoyed this class (and at times it's frustrations) as much as I have, I certainly feel like I'm coming away with a better understanding of art education.

1 comment:

  1. BAAAH! I love your website. It's quite beautiful. The vibrant colors coupled with the black background mesh SO well. The only thing I don't really care for is the font. Of course this is only opinion, but I feel it doesn't go very well with the sophisticated imagery. Other than that, brilliant.
