Thursday, January 29, 2009

It is a photo essay.

My photo essay consists of four images depicting things I do in my daily life:

1. Brush my teeth.

2. Make tea.

3. Wash dishes.

4. Sleep.

I chose to edit the images with a thematically mundane color scheme. This was meant to represent the monotony that every day life can sometimes present. To acheive this overall feel, individual colors were desaturated while others were enhanced using curves and levels. Each image has a slightly varied, particular color scheme that I thought was appropriate for the subject. Not too much cropping was necessary in any of the images, however some were slightly rotated and better aligned for a more concise composition. I think part of what adds to the darker tone of these images is the vignetting I applied. While it is much stronger on the image of the bed as opposed to the toothbrush, even the slight darkness around the edges gives the photograph a somewhat dark, trapped feel. This was done through two methods; burning the edges with a large, soft brush and selecting the image with a heavy feathered circle, inverting the selection and decreasing the black point in curves. Although these photographs could perhaps survive as individual shots, I think the edited images are much stronger when grouped together and speak together through their melancholy coloration.

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